10 Healthy Foods To Eat Everyday: The Complete List

Most healthy eating tips focus on excluding certain foods from your diet. While this is important, you don’t have to be overly restrictive on a certain food group. On the same note, you shouldn’t eat too many meals from another group. Instead, you should focus on eating a healthy and well-balanced diet. Unfortunately, some 'healthy' diets secretly contain saturated fats, sugar, and carbohydrates. So, what are the best healthy foods to eat every day then?

Interestingly, there are so many food options that are loaded with healthy ingredients. Consuming the best diet food is beneficial to your health in various ways. More notably, they contain various disease-fighting nutrients. Not to forget that they’re healthy foods to lose weight.

That said, let’s get into the healthy food to eat everyday list right away!

The Complete List of 10 Healthy Foods to Eat Everyday

what you should eat everyday? healthy foods list best fruits and vegetables. best diet food

1. Vegetables

The best fruits and vegetables are the richest sources of various nutrients out there. Thus, it is vital to consume many types of vegetables daily. Some of the healthiest ones include:

A. Cruciferous vegetables

The most common cruciferous vegetables include Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, radish as well as cauliflower. They contain sulfurous compounds known as glucosinolates. These compounds are good for your health.

A certain 20020 study demonstrates that glucosinolates may have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. Also, they regulate genes as well as cell pathways.

Apart from sulfurous compounds, they contain essential vitamins K & C, fiber, and minerals. Eating cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts benefits our bodies in the following ways:

  • Reduced inflammation- As you know, inflammation is linked with most chronic conditions. Luckily, you can keep it in check by consuming greens and cruciferous vegetables.
  • Lower blood pressure. Cruciferous veggies are a rich source of nitrates, which prevent blockage of arteries. This lowers blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
  • Longer lifespan. Various cruciferous vegetables lower metabolism, which is associated with a longer lifespan. Moreover, they promote the growth of telomeres. Telomeres refer to the little tips of the DNA strands. These tips shorten with age, leading to age-related diseases. Therefore, consuming vegetables is a great way day to counter various age-related effects.
  • Low cancer risk. According to research, eating veggies weekly can reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Liver detoxification. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are very effective at detoxing the liver.

B. Different Colored vegetables

Eating colored veggies like lentils, beans, and leafy greens is good for your health. These foods contain various essential plant compounds like phytonutrients. Other benefits of lentils are; minimizing triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels.

C. Cucumber & Asparagus

Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. It’s low in calories and carbs, making it an excellent food item for promoting weight loss. Note, cucumber contains small amounts of certain nutrients like vitamin K.

Like cucumber, asparagus is low in calories and carbs. However, it’s rich in vitamin K.

D. Garlic & Onions

Garlic contains bioactive compounds such as organosulfur. These compounds have powerful health effects like an enhanced immune system.

Onions are loaded with several beneficial bioactive compounds as well. So, including them in your recipes will be good for your health.

E. Carrot

Carrots are classified as root vegetables. They’re very crunchy and rich in vitamin K and fiber. Another sweet and crunchy vegetable you can consume every day is ball pepper. It’s available in different colors, including green yellow, red and green. More importantly, it’s an excellent source of C vitamins as well as antioxidants.

2. Berries

All types of berries, including blueberries, are rich in C vitamins and fiber. For that reason, they can help you accomplish your daily nutrient goals.

A study proposed that 100g berries can meet your needs for some minerals and nutrients. This includes; Vitamin C, folate, phytochemicals, and manganese.

Berries are also rich in bioactive compounds like anthocyanins, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. These compounds possess excellent antioxidant properties.

Berries are excellent frozen or fresh since they contain more antioxidants and fiber. Also, you can up different types of berries, since they’re all healthy.

Other health benefits of eating berries every day are:

  • Blood sugar control. Many studies have established that berries can help to regulate the level of blood sugar.
  • Brain boost. Berries are associated with the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. In certain research, students were given blueberries before going to school. The report demonstrated that berries improved the student’s cognitive skills.

3. Fish

Fish and other seafood contain many minerals and vitamins. Also, they’re a rich source of protein. Eating fish, especially oily fish regularly is very healthy. Research shows that individuals who consume fish frequently have a longer lifespan. Also, they’ve got a lower risk of suffering from heart conditions, depression, or even dementia.

Salmon is one of the most popular types of oily fish, thanks to its excellent taste and bright pink color. Also, it contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and iodine. Most people are deficient in these nutrients. Omega-3 fats may aid in preventing heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Also, omega-3 fats are that they provide your body with bone-building D vitamins. Moreover, it may keep your skin glowing and improve your mood.

Other types of oily fish include; sardines, trout, mackerel, herring, and pilchards. On the contrary, non-oily fish include; haddock, hake, skate, cod, and tuna.

4. Nuts

Various studies have established that consuming nuts daily can be essential for your health. For instance, a prospective study involving more than 16,000 diabetic adults was done in 2019. The report established that people who ate over 5 servings of nuts every week were healthier. Also, their risk of cardiovascular disease was lower than those who consumed a single serving each month.

What makes nuts good for your health?

Apart from being crunch and satisfying, nuts provide a dose of healthy oils, vitamin E, and protein. Moreover, they are packed with magnesium and healthy polyunsaturated fats. These nutrients are important for heart health. They can also prevent insulin resistance, which is known to cause diabetes.

Nuts also contain antioxidant compounds like resveratrol and ellagic acid. Such compounds protect your body from the wear & tear resulting from free radicals. Consequently, this reduces inflammation, thus reducing the risk of cancer.

On top of these benefits, nuts are loaded with insoluble fibers. These fibers may help to feed essential gut bacteria, keeping you healthy.

A certain study stated that some people are reluctant to eat nuts due to their high-fat content. While this is true, nuts are healthy foods to every day to lose weight.

Different types of nuts you can eat every day include; almonds, macadamia nuts, and walnuts. If you’re allergic to nuts, choose plain, unsalted, and unflavored nuts. All types of nuts are packed with essential minerals including magnesium, zinc as well as calcium.

5. Chia Seeds

The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in your diet plays an important role in your overall health.

Both types of fatty acids fight in the body to get to the enzymes. Having too much omega-6 in your body may cause inflammation. While having more omega-3 forms an anti-inflammatory reaction. Therefore, it’s good to eat diets that are rich in omega-3 for your overall health.

A good example of plant-based foods that contain more omega-3 fats than omega-6 are chia and flax seeds.

Apart from being rich in omega-3, these seeds are packed with other nutrients and minerals as well. For instance, 28 grams (1 ounce) of chia seeds has more than 11 grams of fiber. Moreover, they contain a considerable amount of other nutrients. For instance, they contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and manganese.

Lastly, chia seeds are very filling, and low in carbohydrates. They expand when they get in your digestive tract, helping you full up faster. Moreover, they promote a healthy heart as well as healthy digestion. A Food Science & Technology Journal report suggests that chia seeds regulate blood sugar.

10 Healthy Foods to Eat Everyday: The Complete List - Last-5

6. Legumes

Legumes are another plant-based food group that’s rich in protein. Food items in this category include; chickpeas, peanuts, peas, and kidney beans. Generally, any food item that grows in a pod is a legume. You can utilize these food items to prepare delicious snacks, when you dry and spice them.

Note, peanuts are classified as legumes because they’re not true nuts. Putting that aside, peanuts are high in antioxidants and nutrients. Many studies even suggest that they can help you to maintain and healthy weight. You need to be cautious though, particularly when it comes to peanut butter. It’s very tasty but very rich in calories, so you can easily overeat it.

On the downside, legumes are believed to contain anti-nutrients. Anti-nutrients tend to interfere with the absorption and digestion of nutrients. You can get rid of anti-nutrients from your legumes by proper preparation and soaking.

7. Lean Protein

Protein promotes health growth & development in our bodies. Also, it has a significant role of maintaining your muscle mass. Therefore, it’s good to include protein-rich foods in your diet. Some of these food items are; lean beef, chicken breasts, and lamb.

Eating protein every day can also help to regulate levels of blood sugar. However, you should avoid fattier cuts since they’re high in carbs.

Our bodies need different amounts of protein. This will depend on various factors like weight, age, and sex. Protein requirements may vary depending on the kind of exercise or activity you’re performing.

As per the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) reports, most Americans consume enough protein. However, USDA suggests that they should choose leaner varieties of poultry and meat. Also, you should eat meat less often and increase the variety of protein diets they consume.

8. Fruits

A study identified that not eating enough fruits causes over 4 million deaths annually. Researchers proposed that taking 1 extra serving daily could save over 30,000 lives. Also, this could help to save about $5 billion in medical costs annually in the USA alone.

Another study involving older Australian women was also conducted. In this study, researchers stated that eating an apple every day could reduce the mortality rate by up to 35%.

Overall, fruits are sweet and nutritious foods. Best of all, they require no preparation, making them easy to add to your diet. Nutritionists recommend that you take at least five portions of various fruits daily. The fruits can either be juiced, canned, fresh, frozen, or dried.

But, which fruits should you eat? Well, you can eat any fruit of your choice. This may include, avocado, oranges, apples, mangoes, or bananas.

Apples, oranges, and mangoes are rich in C vitamins, fiber, as well as numerous antioxidants. For that reason, you can use them to make a snack if you’re feeling hungry between meals. Vitamin C is important in producing antibodies and white body cells. While antioxidants are essential in the production of skin-firming collagen. They also help to protect your body cells from free-radical damage.

Bananas are ranked among the best sources of potassium in the world. Moreover, they’re high in fiber as well as vitamin B6. Unlike most fruits on this list, avocado is packed with healthy fats. However, they’re also high in C vitamins, potassium, and fiber.

9. Dairy Products

Dairy products contain various types of important nutrients. People who consume full-fat dairy products have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Dairy products are even more nutritious if they’re derived from grass-fed cows. They’re richer in bioactive fatty acids such as vitamin K2 and CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid).

Here are some healthy dairy products you can eat every day:

Whole Milk

This is ranked among the food items with most calcium. Moreover, it’s high in healthy fats, quality animal protein, vitamins, and minerals.


Cheese is among the most delicious foods out there, yet incredibly nutritious. One slice of cheese contains almost the same nutrients as a single cup of milk.

Plain Yogurt

This creamy treat is made by adding live bacteria to fermented milk. Therefore, it has the same health benefits as milk and extra benefits of probiotic bacteria. These healthy bacteria ensure your guts are working properly. It also contains various nutrients like vitamin B12, calcium, protein, and magnesium. Moreover, it has some essential fatty acids that keep our bodies healthy.

Although some people prefer flavored yogurts, I’d recommend plain yogurt. Flavored yogurts contain a lot of sugar. This minimizes their health benefits by adding calories. Instead of adding sugar, add nuts or some blueberries to enhance the taste.

10. Grains

Some types of grains, especially whole grains are very healthy. But, for those on low-carb diets, avoid grains since they’re rich in carbs.

Examples of whole grains include; oatmeal, barley, wild/ brown rice, quinoa, and popcorn. All nutrients in refined grains are extracted. However, that’s not the case with whole grains, since they’ve all their nutrients. This includes; magnesium, phytochemicals, fiber, copper, zinc, B vitamins, and antioxidants.

Consuming whole grains helps in bowel movement regulation and reducing cholesterol levels. Moreover, they’ve some anti-cancer properties, and maintain blood sugar.

Additional Tip: Regular Workout

Apart from maintaining a proper diet, you need to exercise regularly to stay healthy. Combining a healthy diet and regular workouts will amplify their health benefits. If you were performing a half marathon training on a treadmill, a healthy diet is important. In that case, choose high-protein, high-carb foods for refueling and muscle recovery. Also, such meals are excellent for muscle building. Another benefit of exercising is that it increases blood flow in the body. Thus leaving you feeling happier, brighter, and more alert. Moreover, like healthy foods, exercise is bone strengthening, anti-aging, brain-boosting, and ant-inflammatory.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the benefits of eating healthy foods every day?

Eating a healthy diet helps to manage various health conditions like blood sugar, high cholesterol or blood pressure. Also, it can lower the risk of future health problems like a heart attacks.

2. What does an unhealthy diet mean?

Unhealthy diets are low in fiber, but high in sugars, as well as trans- & saturated fats, but low in fiber. Eating unhealthy foods increases your risk of various health problems like non-communicable diseases.

3. Which is the healthiest diet in the world?

Vegetables such as kale are the healthiest foods out there at the moment. They have many health benefits and the fewest drawbacks as compared to other food groups.

4. Can I survive on a single food forever?

No food item contains all the essential minerals our body requires. So, it’s hard to survive on a 1-food diet for a long time.


For the healthy foods list above, it’s clear that there are many different healthy foods to eat every day. Most of these foods make a tasty snack, yet they contain antioxidants and vitamins. Some are even considered natural weight loss foods. Including nuts, vegetables and lean protein in your routine diet prevents chronic diseases. So, whether you want to change or upgrade your diet, make sure your routine has these healthy foods. More importantly, remember that health requires more than eating a proper diet. Instead, you need to supplement it with a regular treadmill workout for weight loss at home!

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