All You Should Know About Running the Quarter Marathon

Most people are aware of the full and half marathons. Yet only a few know how far is a quarter marathon. According to World Athletics, the full marathon is 26.2 miles (42.195Km), making the quarter marathon distance 6.555 miles (10.555Km).

The Quarter marathon is also called the 10KM Road race and is popular worldwide. An elite athlete's current 10Km road race record is 26.24 minutes for men and 29.14 minutes for women.

Most runners can't match these times, and recent studies show the average athlete can clear the 10KM (6.2 miles) race within 54 minutes for males and 1 hour for females.

Should Beginners Run the Quarter Marathon?

Beginner athletes are yet to catch their strides, and there's so much they need to learn before they jump deep into the quarter marathon race events. Experts advise that before running the 10K race, one should start with the 5K.

The reasoning makes sense because it comes down to your training program, fitness, and health. If you commit to the 5K race training program, you will be able to compete and finish within a few weeks.

The 10K race is twice as long, and it will take longer for an average runner to prepare for the race. But having acquired some useful running skills and techniques from the 5K training program, you can quickly adapt and endure the 10K race challenge.

Remember, as an amateur athlete, don't be in a rush to build the intensity and pace over a couple of sessions. Instead, start with light running and listen to your body for signs of exhaustion to avoid overexerting yourself.

Injuries are an athlete's nightmare, and you can avoid them by allowing your body to adjust and recover gradually.

What Factors Influence the Quarter Marathon Time?

Many variables influence the time one can finish the quarter marathon race. Among them include

· Gender

· Age

· Fitness

· Experience

· Health.

Secondary factors include:


Training programs are different depending on the athlete's level of experience. For example, an amateur athlete needs a different training program from an intermediate or elite runner. In addition, the commitment level an individual spends each week in training and the miles they log also make a difference in race preparedness.


How you pace yourself during the race determines the time you will finish. Advanced athletes know pacing techniques that make them aware of when to adjust or slow down during the race. However, if you are an amateur athlete, you need to substantiate between your training pace and race pace.

Remember that the more miles you run in training helps you to calculate how much you can endure and the pace you are comfortable running. Use this knowledge to find your average pace.

Should Beginners Run the Quarter Marathon

Nutrition and Hydration

The quarter marathon race seems easier to finish than running the full marathon. But this is an illusion you shouldn't indulge in. You will expend as much energy running the 10K race as the full marathon.

Your body will demand replenishment during training ahead of the race and post the event. Nutrition plays a significant part in keeping your body in top condition, and because you burn more calories, your diet should include foods rich in carbs.

Research shows that runners perform poorly when they are dehydrated. Therefore, healthy nutrition is essential for runners participating in the quarter marathon event.

Course Conditions

No one course is the same as another. Some are flatter and hilly than others. Knowing this, an athlete should have the course map months before the event to prepare for the right race. It takes a shorter time to clear a flat course than a hilly one.


The weather is unpredictable, and it can play to your advantage or not. Knowing the date of the race months ahead can help you predict and prepare for the event. For example, if you train during summer when the conditions are hot and race during the cooler months, you can manage a faster time. But if the conditions are harsh and it rains on race day, it might slow you down and finish at a slower time. 

The Best Way to Train for the Quarter Marathon Race

The spirit of any competition is to emerge victorious. For some, it is winning the race, while others aim to finish or improve their personal best. Therefore, regardless of your motivation during the day, you must prepare well to accomplish your goals.

Training for a race involves improving endurance, fitness, speed, and mentality. Use these tips:


Running isn't solely about clocking the miles. You need speed to finish the race fast. So consider hill repeats, interval training, and tempo runs to increase your stride per minute. 


If you train the same way every day, you can't expect to improve that much. Take on different challenges gradually in your training sessions. Take on hilly courses and train in adverse weather conditions. Run in the rain, sun, snow, etc.
The Best Way to Train for the Quarter Marathon Race


This is an essential part of any training as it allows your body time to heal from stressful activities. You don't want to miss out on the race because of an injury you could have avoided. Balance your sessions to include days you rest and stretch to relax your muscles and avoid fatigue.

Strong core

Your body should be ready to endure the challenge of the quarter marathon. You can build strength through resistance exercises, bodyweight training, and weight lifting.


Your body and performance rely heavily on your diet before the race. Remember to hydrate and eat energy-giving foods. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and hibiscus tea, among other diuretics.

Focus on vegetables, lean proteins, fresh fruits, and complex carbohydrates. Stay away from sugary and processed foods.

Accept your limits

Understand that your body has limits, even if you feel you can go on. Take rest between intensive workout days and walk or sleep. Post-exercise stretching loosens cramped muscles, especially in the few days leading to the quarter marathon race.


Remember how far is a quarter marathon, and pat yourself on the back for staying on the course during training and participating in the race. But, of course, the maiden race is the greatest challenge; from there, you will have the experience to train and prepare well for other coming races. Who knows, you might even set your target on the half marathon.

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